- Find People in Airports and Coffeeshops: One of my favorite things to do when I travel (or even just leave my house for the day) is to tell everyone on Twitter where I am. And about 8 out of 10 times, someone I know or who I follow/follows me is in that airport, city or neighborhood with me. I meet them for a hug or a hello over coffee.
- All About the Fast-talking: Everything in 140 characters or less. Streams moving at the speed of light. Conversations thrown out and whizzing past me. I love it. It’s me- fast-talking at its best. And if you’ve spent even 10 minutes with me, you know I am a fast-talker!
- Breaking News Source: I admit it. Twitter is where I find most of my breaking news. Not only by following established news sources but bloggers and other Twitter news junkies. Trending topics are a remarkable glimpse into what the world is talking about. Natural disasters, NYC neighborhood news, global issues, etc. all come to me through Twitter at least at first glance because I can get a brief view, photos, links and opinions all in one place.
- Lovin’ the Hashtag: Sometimes, I just search hashtags for the fun of it (#bestcareerbooks). Sometimes I just add them based on how I am feeling (like #joy). But the best use of this hashtag concept in business and career is to see who is in a particular Twitter stream while at an event, before a conference, or determining who is talking there who I can connect with and get to know. Who is talking about the topics you care about? Who are the influencers in your industry? Who is talking on behalf of the company you are trying to get some leverage in? And who are THEY talking about?
Look for the last 3 reasons in the coming days. In the meantime, try utilizing some of these tips in enhancing your digital persona! Did you discover my first 3 reasons for LOVING Twitter in my career and business?
#twittertips #twittertalk