Where to start… hmm…
- Research: Rarely do I go to a conference, event, interview, or connection meeting without first researching the people involved- coordinators, speakers, leadership team or candidate. I review the conversations surrounding the person, company or event. I look for what the social buzz is and usually jump in and comment. Connecting with people this way makes the huge room of people so much smaller when I arrive. And what a wonderful advantage when you are interviewing!
- Build Community: Based on ME. People on Twitter see what I talk about, what I promote, who I talk to, what I care about and can get a sense of who I am. I build my community without any fancy technology automatically adding people who “might” resonate. I want you to clamor to be in my tribe so we can get to know each other! Sure there are a lot of people following me, plus people I follow who I have not yet met. But I am always keeping in mind that it is about quality not quantity.
- Make Friends and Connections: Yup. I make friends on Twitter. Friends where just like other forms of social media, my aim is to eventually move the conversation from Twitter to the phone or a cup of coffee or an event. I can count off the top of my head over 5 dear friends, 30 business colleagues, 15 clients and hundreds of collaborators who I met on Twitter. Plus there are all those “friends” who just talk to me on Sunday in the fall when we are chatting about Giants Football.
Look for the other 7 reasons in the coming days.
In the meantime, try utilizing some of these tips in enhancing your digital persona!
#twittertips #twittertalk