Just imagine that I call you on the phone right now and exclaim, “There’s a fabulous networking event in 2 hours and I want to bring you along”. What races through your mind?
- Excuses, lots and lots of excuses!
- Jiminy Cricket on your shoulder with conflicting advice – “Say no- you are too busy. This is really scary. “ vs. “This is a good opportunity and how bad could it be? Bryn will be there with you to make introductions.”
- A frantic mental search for the right “networking outfit” (are those pants back from the cleaners?) and extra business cards
Are you laughing right now? Or are you secretly a little worried that someone you know really will call you shortly with that invitation?
A few things to think about when it comes to being ready for impromptu (or planned) networking events:
- I promise you that my best connecting does not happen in an uncomfortable “networking outfit” with a canned elevator pitch, a stack of business cards and a mission to tell everyone all about my business and ask how they can help me.
- Whether you are a job seeker, a community leader, a business owner or an engaged employee, you are a person looking to expand your circle of influence. Bringing a “networking persona” to an event instead of yourself (you are passionate, interesting, accomplished and real!) will not only connect you to the wrong people, but will create a much more likely chance of you having a miserable time. It is really difficult to sustain a fake “networking persona” reflecting the person you think they want to meet. The truth is, when you are just yourself, you will attract the right people for you.
- Take off the costume! Start connecting as yourself. Wear an appropriate yet comfortable outfit that expresses how you want to be seen by others. There’s nothing worse than pasting on a smile when you are in painful shoes or a tie that feels like it is cutting off your air supply.
- Use a connection strategy to begin thinking about the small group of people you will want to speak to first. Who might you approach first when you arrive? Start with the person who invited you to the event and expand from there.
- Know how to explain who you are and what you need- knowing that you will not lead with this information. I encourage you to lead every conversation asking questions about the other person! (This really works and it feels so much more genuine for everyone involved. All my clients love this tip, but it takes practice!)
Do you have an upcoming networking opportunity on your calendar? If not, what are you waiting for?
I love networking and it might just be my favorite part of having a business. Yes, asking others about themselves really is fun and appreciated.
Because networking is one of your favorite parts of the business, you get to spread your joy to people tying the knot everywhere! brilliant!
Bry, how about another connection strategy? For those who dread that 30 sec pitch that comes with groups like BNI, I suggest hiring a writer to glamorize your pitch. It’s your words only a lot more interesting. LOL. And you get the bonus of a writer’s insight into you and your biz. Since I applied this strategy I get compliments all the time.
Glamorizing is good! Happiness to you in the new year 2017 Dina