On my own.
Running my own business since January 2010.
Entrepreneurial life in all its glory (and tears and frustration and insight…)
Often I am asked, “How did it all start?” “Did you always want to be a business owner, Bryn?”
So, I thought I would tell you a little story. Like story hour. Grab a cup of coffee and sit back.
This is a story about a Little Voice at baggage claim. The Little Voice that started it all.
I know. That will need a bit more explanation.
In Spring of 2009 I was swirling. Spinning. In life and career. Coming off the “worst” year of my life (which I now see as an absolute blessing in so many ways), I was sitting with a pending divorce, huge emotional stresses, a new apartment and life in a completely new neighborhood in NYC, financial worries, utter undeniable grief from three deaths of very close family members and a major health crisis. While all this was swirling around me, I was managing (very successfully I might add) the biggest, most visible project of my 20-year career.
Of course I was. I am sure you “super women” and “super men” out there can relate. It was madness. Such madness that I could not really even see it. I just kept pushing forward-“business-style” as I refer to it. Exhausted. My thought: “When this all calms down I will take care of myself.“ (I do not need to tell you how crazy that is!)
My role in corporate at the time was Global Director of Consulting at Monster.com. A dream position in a forward-thinking company filled with remarkable people. I loved my job. In this role, I spent my days (and nights) creating opportunities for the top companies in the world to use technology and social media to recruit more effectively. I led an amazing creative team. 20-40 times a year I got to evangelize about recruiting and technology for 8 hours in a hotel ballroom to 300-400 recruiters. All the “right elements” for me were present: motivation, influence, connection, team, fun, career and recruiting discussions, platform, visible projects, thought-leadership, expert status, and opportunity to shape future direction.
Cut to the end of my not particularly relaxing vacation, Spring 2009. I am waiting at baggage claim at JFK. My Blackberry rings (yes, those were the Blackberry days). It is my boss (who I adore). Although it is the end of my vacation, I need to jump on an emergency call with the CEO in 10 minutes. In that call we are told, like most large firms in NYC at the time, our 401K matching was on hold, increases for our teams were frozen and there would be no incentive pay or stock options for the foreseeable future.
1st thought: This is going to kill my team. I need to break this to them immediately.
2nd thought: At least we are not laying people off yet.
3rd thought: Hmmm… my entire compensation package is based on performance incentive and stock. I really do not make much $$ per year in this moment.
Little Voice says: “Bryn, you could make this kind of money on your own. Why wouldn’t you just step out and do your own thing? Now is your chance to have your OWN brand and not be the clamored-for front person to yet another corporate brand. It is time for a change. It is time to stop spinning.”
The Little Voice left as quickly as it arrived. But everything had already changed in that moment. The wheels were turning. Eight months later I left Monster.com and started my own business and never, ever regretted it.
Of course, that is just where the story begins; there is so much more to tell regarding my years in business. Additional moments of decision, stepping into my power, crazy choices, tears, laughter and finding my way– all of which you will hear straight from the “Brain of Bryn” over time. However, note that there is one thread that runs through it all- my ongoing quest to quiet my spinning so I can continue to hear that Little Voice when it speaks. That Little Voice in the “Brain of Bryn” always has something important to say!
How about you? Share your Little Voice stories with us.
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